So you bought a Fiddle Leaf Fig tree, now what?!?
The Fiddle Leaf Fig is one of the most popular and trendiest plants right now. It doesn't take long scrolling through Pinterest to find someones bedroom, living room, or bathroom accessorized with this beauty. It's the perfect accessory to give any room you wish an organic + fresh feel.
We get so many questions on how to take care of a Fiddle Leaf Fig, so we're here to tell you how to keep Ms. Fiddle happy after you get her home.
H2O ------------------ Fiddle Leaf Figs don't need alto of water they actually HATE being over watered. Designate 1 day a week to plant care, it will make it so much easier. Growing up, my Mamar watered her plants every Sunday and called it "Holy Water". I keep up the tradition, and it helps me keep from over loving my and/or neglecting my plants. A good rule of thumb is to check the top soil. If the top inch is dry, water away!
Make sure whatever you plant her in has a drain hole. One of the best ways to lose all your leaves is improper draining.
Use room temperature water.
Typically brown spots on leafs means you're over watering.
SUNSHINE --------------------- Fiddle Leaf Figs prefer indirect light, so east facing windows typically are best for this plant.
Like most of us, indoor plants don't like change. Once they find their home they don't like to be moved. After being moved from location to location, you might notice a few dropped leaves and this is completely normal.
Once you find the perfect spot in your home leave her there!
ROOTS ------------------------- Keep an eye out for the roots. When you bring your tree home you'll want to re-pot it as soon as possible, Ms. Fiddle will thank you!
If you notice the roots growing out of the pot you'll want to trim the roots and re-pot in a larger planter. This allows her to grow bigger + absorb water better + take in more nutrients, resulting in a beautiful, healthy fiddle.
PLANT WHISPERER ----------------- Here at Sweet Stems we like to talk to our plants. It's something we picked up from Mamar.
Name them, love them, & it's sure to grow tall and strong!!